Final program of ASIS 2002

Sunday, September 8, 19:00-21:00


Monday, September 9, 2002, 8:00-9:30



Colloquium Openning


Invited Papers I

303. Hanáèek Petr – Rábová Zdena: Vyu¾ití modelù pøi analýze rizik

804. Caruana Etienne – Èeška Milan – Sklenáø Jaroslav: Petri Nets and their Use in Modelling of Manufacturing Systems

810. Šnorek Miroslav: Artificial Neural Nets in Modelling of Systems

Monday, September, 9 13:00-18:30

Simulation Case Studies I

102. ¯uk Dariusz: Start Conditions for Dynamic Query Reoptimization in Distributed Environment

103. Pozniak -Koszalka Iwona: Using Simulation for Parallel Processor Configuration Design

104. Koszalka Leszek – Rudek Radoslaw: Computer Experimentation System for Testing Optimization Algorithms

105. ¯o³nierek Andrzej: The Simulation Investigations of Pattern Recognition Algorithms for Controlled Markov chains

106. Èech Josef: Simulation of mining method

107. Lazar Tobiáš – Kvasnica Peter: Paradigmy autonómneho a invariantného riadenia »ahu motora lietadla a vizualizácia zmeny letovej rýchlosti

108. Chmiel Pavel – Pokorný Miroslav: Aplikace GA pro optimalizaci vlastností predikèního fuzzy neuronového modelu

109. Votava Václav – Ulrych Zdenìk – Kováø Martin: Optimalizace smìnového modelu

110. Bogdan Lucyna – Studziñski Jan: Mathematical Modelling, Identification and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants

111. Matušù Martin – Pokorný Miroslav: Predikèní regulátor s modelem fuzzy neuronové sítì

112. Czerwiñska Alina: The Laplacian Inverse Problem of Electrocardiology

113. Doros Marek: Using the Computer Simulation to the Reconstruction of Contours of the Thorax Organs for Creating the 3D Model

Monday, September, 9 19:30-22:30

Social Evening

Tuesday, September, 10 8:30-10:30
Simulation Case Studies II

115. Hrubý Matin – Vurm Petr - Meduna Alexander: Model syntaktické analýzy formálních jazykù

117. Ratyñska Jadwiga: Expert System aided with Natural Language Dialogue

118. Šeda Miloš: An Efficient Algorithm for All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem

701. Pekár Ján: On a Monetary Model without Money Adopted to the Economy of the Slovak Republic

119. Gutowski Pawel: The Simulation Tests of Influence of Starting Point on the Effectiveness of Parameter Identification

101. Antal Juraj: Biokybernetika vzniku nevírusovej rakoviny

Tuesday, September 10, 10:30-12:00
Invited Papers II – Firm Presentation

001 Baynham Jeff: Applied Dynamics International Company and Product Overview

002 Moore Peter: Beacon – Strategy and Future

114. Kunovský Jiøí – Petøek Jiøí – Øezáè David: Dynamic Simulations of Static Electronic Circuits

Tuesday, September 10 13:30-14:30
New Modelling Paradigms

802. Gola Mariusz – Kasprzak Andrzej: Today's Internet - Problems of Network Topology Design

803. Puchala Edward: The Computer Processing of ECG Signals Improves Classification - Methods and Algorithms for Parameters Detecting


New Simulation Methods and Tools

301. Wróbel Krzysztof – Porwik Piotr – Doroy Rafal – Widuch Stanislaw: Porównanie stratnych metod kompresji obrazu

302. Jokl Roman – Grillinger Petr: C-Sim ver. 5.0

304. Peringer Petr: New Design and Implementation Concepts in SIMLIB/C++

305. Èernohorský Jakub: Optimization of Discrete Parameters of Queueing Network

306. Martinek David.: Grafová struktura pro heterogenní modelování

201. Nowicky Krzysztof – Gier³owski Krzysztof: Simulation of Network Systems in Education

401. Edl Milan – Kaiser Jiøí: Integrace simulaèních a animaèních modelù v distribuovaném prostøedí

402. Staroba Jiøí – Dvoøák Václav: Parallel Linear Equations Solvers for Scientific Simulation: Cluster and SMP Experience

Wednesday, September 11 8:30-11:00

New Modelling Paradigms

801. Mudriková Andrea – Dedík Ladislav – Ïurišová Mária: Jednokroková Lévyho metóda odhadu parametrov lineárnych modelov dynamických systémov

805. Rakoczy Witold – ¯abiñska Ma³gorzata: Spreading of Information in a Network – Basics of Multi-Agent System Construction

806. Porwik Piotr – Doroz Rafal – Widuch Satnislaw – Wróbel Krzysztof: Szacowanie podobieñstwa a obrazów z wykorzystaniem transformaty Hough’a

809. Stoffová Veronika: Riadená animácia ako súèas» didaktických simulaèných systémov

807. Porwik Piotr: Properties of the Haar Transform in Digital Image Processing

808. Chodacki Mi³oslaw: Optymalizacja doboru rejestów struktury BIST za pomoc± algorytmow ewolucyjnych