Faculty of Information Technology – Brno University of Technology,
Department of Computer Science of FEECS VŠB - TU Ostrava,
and MARQ
are pleased to invite you to
the XXVIth International Autumn Colloquium:
ASIS 2004
September 22 - 24, 2004, Sv. Hostýn, Czech Republic
Mikuláš Alexík, Žilina SK, Milan Češka, Brno CZ, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Kraków PL, Andrzej Kasprzak, Wroclaw PL, Evžen Kindler, Praha CZ, Wilfried Krug, Dresden D, Petr Peringer, Brno CZ, Edward Puchala, Wroclaw PL, Zdena Rábová, Brno CZ, Veronika Stoffová, Nitra SK, Jan Štefan, Ostrava CZ
Simulation Case Studies
Education of Modellig and Simulation – Modelling and Simulation in Education
New Simulation Methods and Tools
Parallel and Distributed Simulation
Simulation in Economy
New Modelling Paradigms
Czech, Polish, Slovak and English are the official colloquium languages. Paper must contain: title, authors, abstract, topics, full postal address (incl. fax number and e-mail). Submit the full papers to: Jan Štefan, MARQ, nám. Msgre Šrámka 6, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic, fax: +420 595 136 589, e-mail: jan.stefan@marq.cz. A paper is accepted if the conference fee has been payed at least by one of the authors (conference fee is 100 EUR).
June 30, 2004:Deadline for submission of full papers. July 15, 2004: Announcing the paper acceptance. August 15, 2004: Deadline for submission of full manuscript.
ASIS 2004, Sv. Hostýn, Czech Republic, September 22 - 24, 2004
Full Name and Degrees: ...................................................................................................................…………
Postal Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
..............................................................e-mail: ...............................................………………
Yes, I will join the XXVIth colloquium ASIS 2004
* without presenting a paper Y / N
* proposing the following paper Y / N
The paper corresponds to the topics No: ........... My full paper (max 6 pages) is enclosed.