Program of International Colloquium ASIS 2007
September 17, 2007
Registration, cup of vine
September 18, 2007
KINDLER Ev¾en – KØIVÝ Ivan, Ostrava: SIMULA Class for Simulation
MARKOWSKI Marcin – KASPRZAK Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Dependence of Quality of Service in Wide Area Networks on Allocation of Resources – Simulation and Analysis
WOZNIAK Michal, Wroc³aw: Modification of AdaBoost using genetic operators
Lunch break
PERINGER Petr, Brno: Porting SIMLIB/C++ to 64-bit Platform
ÈECH Vladimír – JEVICKÝ Jiøí, Brno: Simulation of Image Tilt of a Scene in the Field of Vision of Sight Imitator
CZERWIÑSKA Alina – DOROS Marek, Warszawa: The influence of index of condition of algebraic equations on accuracy of results of inverse Cauchy problem solved by simulation method
CZERWIÑSKA Alina – DOROS Marek, Warszawa: The simulation methods of identification of ischemic lesions in myocardium
Coffee break
MAZAL Zdenìk – JURKA Pavel – ZBOØIL František V., Brno: Framework for Intelligent Systems Education Support at FIT BUT
PUCHALA Karol – KASPRZAK Andrzej, Wroc³av: A Heuristic Algorithm for Simultaneously Unicast and Multicast Routing Assignment Problem in WAN
WALKOWIAK Krzysztof, Wroc³aw: Modelling of MPLS over WDM anycast and unicast flow allocation problem
Social event
September 19, 2007
KOLÁØ Dušan – KØIVKA Zbynìk – SCHÖNECKER Rudolf, Brno: Component-based Design of Embedded Systems with FPGA Support
BOGDAN Lucyna, Warszawa: Some properties of kriging calculations for environmental measurements data
BURDUK Robert, Wroc³aw: Bayes Error Rate in Multistage Recognition with Fuzzy Data
Coffee break
KOSZALKA Leszek – KUCHARZAK Michal, Wroc³av: Comparison of Solution Stability of Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for QAP and ATSP Problems
ŠOTEK Karel, Pardubice: Tvorba simulaèních modelù jako souèást øešení výzkumného zámìru Teorie dopravních systémù
GORCZYCA Mateusz – JANUSZKIEWICZ Rafa³ – KACA Pawe³ – TOMCZYK Honorata, Wroc³aw: On the Genetic approach to solving the topology design problem in Wide Area Networks
PUCHALA Edward, Wroc³aw: The Multitask Pattern Recognition with Learning – Direct
Lunch break
ZOLNIEREK Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Simulation investigations of rough sets method in sequential pattern recognition task
KVASNICA Peter, Trenèín – KUNOVSKÝ Jiøí, Brno: Modeling on a High Performance Cluster
WOZNIAK Michal, Wroc³aw: Method of contradictions elimination in the set of rules based on knowledge quality measure
WALKOWIAK Tomasz – MAZURKIEWICZ Jacek – KAP£ON Kazimierz, Wroc³aw: Functional Analysis of Discrete Transport System Realized by SSF Simulation Tool
BREJCHA Milan, Plzeò:
Model jako nástroj rozvoje, uchování a pøedávání znalostí
Coffee break
POZNIAK-KOSZALKA Iwona – PICHEN Dawid, Wroc³aw: Simulation Based Evaluation of Hardware Methods for Improving Efficiency of Database Systems
GRZYBOWSKI Arkadiusz, Wroc³aw: Proposition of intersymbol interference correction method based on risk threshold
KOZIO£ Mariusz, Wroc³aw: An Algorithm for Optimisation of Load and Efficiency of Some Kind of Simulation Environment
MARTINEK David, Brno: Utilization of Systematic Approach to Uncertainty
September 20, 2007
RYBA Przemys³aw – KASPRZAK Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Analysis of Computational Results for The Two-Criteria Gateways Location, Capacity and Flow Assignment Problem in Hierarchical WANs
ŠTÌPÁNEK Josef, Praha: Generování logistických úloh
KOCHANÍÈKOVÁ Monika, Olomouc: Výuka Petriho sítí v navazujícím magisterském studiu na PøF UP Olomouc
Coffee break
RATYNSKA Jadwiga, Radom: Identification of Natural Language Structures using Computer Simulation Method
BADURA Dariusz, Sosnowiec: Efektywno¶æ algorytmów ewolucyjnych – ewolucyjne przeszukiwanie
End of Colloquium