Final program of ASIS 2008
September 15, 2008
Registration of participants, cap of vine
September 16, 2008
Registration of participants
Invited papers
KINDLER, Ev¾en, Ostrava: Simulace a matematika
JANOUŠEK, Vladimír, Brno: Simulace a návrh vyvíjejících se systémù
KINDLER, Ev¾en, Ostrava: Všechno je (a bylo a asi bude) jinak
Session: Modelling and Simulation – Tools, Techniques, Applications
KVÌTOÒOVÁ, Šárka – JANOUŠEK, Vladimír, Brno: Vyu¾ití OOPN v oblasti modelování projektového portfolia
JACKOWSKI, Konrad – WO¬NIAK, Michal, Wroc³aw: Experiments on Adaptive Clustering and Selection Using Weights
WO¬NIAK, Michal – JACKOWSKI, Konrad, Wroc³aw: Limit of Majority Voting for Group of Classifiers wit Different Qualities
BURDUK, Robert, Wroc³aw: Estimation of Error for Bayes Classifier with Fuzzy Data
GRZYBOWSKI, Wroc³aw: Active devices monitoring system in computer network
KOZIOL, Mariusz: Modification of Univariante Decision Tree Algorithm C4.5
PUCHALA, Karol – KASPRZAK, Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Multicast and Unicast Routing Problem in WAN: Algorithms and Computational Results
PERINGER, Petr, Brno: New Calendar Queue Implementation in SIMLIB/C++
Social Evening
September 17, 2008
Session: Modelling and Simulation – Tools, Techniques, Applications
KØIVKA, Zdenìk – JIRÁK, Ota – VAŠÍÈEK, Zdenìk, Brno: Debugging of Small FPGA-Based Embedded System
HÝSEK, Jiøí, Brno: Visual Design of SmallDEVS Models Using Statecharts
MARTINEK, David, Brno: Uncertainty in Simulation Models
GLADYSZ, Jakub – WALKOWIAK, Krzysztof, Wroc³aw: Lagrangean Relaxation for Unicast and Anycast Routing and Capacity Assignment in Computer Network with Budget Constrain
MARKOWSKI, Marcin – KASPRZAK, Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Servers Allocation Problem in WAN – Analysis of Results and Usefulness of Intelligent Computational Methods
ŠOTEK, Karel, Pardubice – KRŠÁK, Emil, ®ilina: Electronic Traffic Documentation and Traffic Control on Track
Session Modelling and Simulation – Tools, Techniques, Applications
RATYÑSKA, Jadwiga, Radom: Search Tool for Natural Language Processing with Use of HPSG Grammar
KVASNICA, Peter – PÁLENÍK, Tomáš, Trenèín: The Comparison of Software Architectures Modeling of the Flight Simulator
RYBA, Przemys³aw – KASPRZAK, Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Dependence of quality of service on number of gateway in Two-Tier
BURDUK, Robert – KASPRZAK, Andrzej – KURZYNSKI, Marek – MARKOWSKI, Marcin – RYBA, Przemys³aw – WALKOWIAK, Krzysztof – WOZNIAK, Michal, Wroc³aw: Conception of the Expert System for the WROVASC Project
RAŠKA, Pavel – HOØEJŠÍ, Petr, Plzeò: Návrh optimalizaèního modulu pro prostøedí paralelní simulace
ZYGU£A, Jaros³aw – PROKSA, Robert, Sosnowiec: Neurological pathology classification system based on gait disorders with propagation neural network.
September 18, 2008
Session: Modelling and Simulation – Tools, Techniques, Applications
ÈECH, Vladimír – JEVICKÝ, Jiøí, Brno: Program Test POED for Simulation of Properties of Range Channel of the Passive Optoelectronic Rangefinder II
KRAMÁØ, Zdenìk, Studénka: Grafika v jazyce Simula 67 a její vyu¾ití pøi simulacích
HOLLÝ, Marek – ÏUÏÁK, Juraj – FABO, Peter, Trnava: Simulaèný program DynaSim
PICHEN, Dawid – POZNIAK-KOSZALKA, Iwona, Wroc³aw: Embedded Database Systems Influence in Software Development Improving – Simulation Based Comparison
OCIEPKA, Michal – KOSZALKA, Leszek – POZNIAK-KOSZALKA, Iwona, Wroc³aw: Comparative Analysis of Data Stores and Data Access Methods in Java Enterprise using Experimentation System.
ZOLNIEREK, Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Simulation investigations of the granulation step in the rough sets algorithm in the sequential pattern recognition task.
Final Session