32nd Spring International Conference
Modelling and Simulation of Systems
May 5-7, 1998
Hostýn, Czech Republic
1st Announcement and Call for Papers
Organized by
in cooperation with ASU, CSSS, EUROSIM, and SCS
The conference further continues in series of Moravo-Silesian
professional meetings oriented towards advanced modelling and system simulation.
Organizing committee
M. Alexík (SK),
R. R. Babajan (Russia),
Z. Binder (F),
M.Češka (CZ),
G. Dobrowolski (PL),
D. Franke (D),
A. Grzech (PL),
T. Hruška (CZ),
A. Jávor (H),
E. Kindler (CZ),
J. Lauber (CZ),
Z. Rábová (CZ),
M. Šnorek (CZ),
V. Stoffová (SK),
J. Štefan, (CZ - Chairman),
M. Straškraba (CZ),
Y. Tanguy (F),
I. Vondrák (CZ),
R. Zobel (GB)
Participants are required to submit papers on the following topics:
- Graphics, Visualization, and Simulation
- Neural Nets and Simulation
- New Simulation Tools
- Petri Nets and Simulation
- New Simulation Concepts
Information Systems Modeling (Workshop)
- Application
- Simulation in Industry and Control Systems
- Simulation of Communication Networks
- Simulation of Management of Production and Logistics
- Simulators (Simulation and Virtual Reality)
- Simulation of Electronics Systems and Devices
Conference languages are English, Czech and Slovak. Send 3 copies of
a full paper (max. 8 pages A4) to the conference program committee contact
address. The presented results must be unpublished and not submitted for
publication. Papers will be revieved. Authors will be notified of acceptance
or rejection by March 1, 1998.
Accepted papers will be published in the MOSIS'98 proceedings. Accepted
paper in a specified format for the proceedings will be due March 31, 1998.
Key dates:
- January 15, 1998: Deadline for submission of full paper
- March 1, 1998: Information to authors about acceptance
or rejection of paper
- March 31, 1998: Deadline for submission of camera ready
paper in a specified format
- April 5, 1998: Final Announcement will be distributed
Contact address
Jan Štefan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
FEEI VŠB - Technical University Ostrava
třída 17. listopadu 15
708 33 Ostrava
Czech Republic
mailto: Jan.Stefan@vsb.cz
fax: +420-(0)69-6919597
1st announcement and Call for Papers of the MOSIS '98 Conference
+ workshop ISM '98
MOSIS '98 CFP in English (.rtf) +
CFP of ISM '98 (.rtf)
První oznámení a žádost o příspěvky na konferenci MOSIS '98
MOSIS '98 česky (.rtf)
Styles for proceedings of MOSIS'98
All camera ready papers have to be prepared according to following typing
patterns, either using of LaTeX or MS-Word.
List of accepted papers:
(in RTF format)
Adamko N. (Žilina): Spolupráca diskrétneho a spojitého simulačného
jadra s modulom animacie
Azim N. A. - Pu H. - Nour Eldin H. A. - Grancharova A. - Zaprianov J. (Wuppertal):
The l.i.p. Gymnastic-Method for link Parameter Identification
for DSDPD Robot Type (Manutec R2)
Babajan R. (Moskva): Learning Model of Ship Passing
Beneš M. (Brno): Multiple Inheritance
Bojanowicz D. (Sosnowiec): A New Simulation Method of Self-Testing
Digital Circuits for Computer System Based on INTEL Family Microprocessors
Borzemski L. - Porczynski R. (Wroclaw): Load Blancing for the Web Servers
Božek P. (Trnava): Simulácia zaťaženia radiaceho mechanizmu v laboratórnych podmienkach
Brunner J. - Šnorek M. (Praha): GOLOKO: An Artifical Neural Network
Model for Recognition of Objects in a Picture
Cendelin J. - Hajšman V. (Plzeň): Systémová analýza jako východisko tvorby modelu
Cendelín J. (Plzeň): Modely jako nástroj řízení
Cenek P. (Žilina): Vizualizace a animace procesů v simulaci dopravních systémů
Czerwinska A. - Doros M. - Kolebska K. (Warszawa): Applying the
Laplasian of Potentials in Simulation of Cardiac Field
Czerwinska A. - Doros M. (Warszawa): Simulation of Human Torso Models
for Identification of Cardiac Electrical Field - a New Approach
Czerwinska A. - Doros M. (Warszawa): The Bounds of Inverse Cauchy
Problem Solved by Computer Simulation
Čech V. - Jevický J. (Brno): Analýza vztahu mezi pravděpodobností úmrtí
a pravděpodobnosti odchodu do důchodu z činné služby ze zdravotních
důvodů vojenských profesionálů
Čech V. - Muller A. (Brno): Meze zvyšování podílu vysokoškolsky vzdělaných osob v populaci
Čech V. - Muller A. (Brno): Modelování počtu studenů na vysokých
školách a jejich studijní prospěšnosti
Češka M. (Brno): Petri Nets in Information Systems Modelling
Čičák P. (Bratislava): The Use of Microprogram Petri Nets in the
Microprogram Control Systems Modelling
Čulík J. (Praha): Software pro sestavení specializovaného simulačního systému
Daněk J. (Praha): Optimalizace v simulaci systémů diskrétních událostí
Dmochowski Z. (Bialystok): Simulation and Experimental Investigations
of Nonlinear High-Current Measuring Transformers in Transient States
Dobrucký B. - Balažovič P. - Strpko F.: Some Experience of Neural- and Neural-Fuzzy
Approach to controlled Solid State drive Simulation
Dodds S. J. - Vittek J. (London) - Vaňko D. (Žilina): Simulation Studies
of New Forced Dynamic Control Law for Sensorless Induction Motor Drives
Dogaru O.C.(Timisoara): On the First Occurrence of a pattern in a Text
Drábek V. (Brno): Modelling of Safety-Critical Computer Systems
Durna M. - Zarzycki Z. (Szczecin): Simulation of Gas Flow Process
Control in Vacuum Furnace
Dvorský J. - Snášel V. (Olomouc): Text Compression
Dvořák J. - Šeda M. - Vláčil T. (Brno): Job Scheduling with the
Consideration of Transfer Batches
Dzvonkowski A. (Szcecin): Analysis of Changes in Reliability of
Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors
Fussek M. - Macháček R. - Nevřiva P. (Ostrava): Modelování průchodu
páry potrubím a ověření modelu na datech získaných v MCHZ
Fussek M. - Macháček R. - Srovnal V. (Ostrava): Matlab a jeho grafické
možnosti v simulacích
Grebeníček F.(Brno):Data Coding for SDM
Grzech A. (Wroclaw): Information Technology - Enabler and Implementer
of Business Proces Reengineering
Hanáček P. (Brno): Smartcard Based Payment Protocol
Hanta V. (Praha): Matrix Inversion during Simulation Run by means of Signal Flow Graphs
Havel M. (Brno): Visualization of Time Dependent Simulation Data
Herout P. - Racek S.(Plzeň): Simulační ověření návrhu FT průmyslového kontroleru
Hluchý L. - Chovanec V. (Bratislava): WaTor - neregulárny distribuovaný
simulačný problém vo výkonnom distribuovanom prostredí
Hluchý L. - Šiška J. (Bratislava): Paralelný algoritmus rekonštrukcie
objektov pre rtg tomografiu
Hroboň - Dlouhý M. (Praha): Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness
of the New Therapy by the Markov Model
Jansky M. (Kosice): Niektore problemu pri navrhu datovej rukavice pre VR system
Jankovský M. (Brno): Using Modern Operating System Features in Real-Time Simulations
Janoušek V. - Vojnar T. (`Brno): Modelling a Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Ježek K.- Toncar V. (Plzeň): Experimental Deductive Database
Jura P. (Brno): Error Estimation of the Digital Measurement. A Simulation Approach
Klapka J. (Brno): Monitoring and Visualization of Deviations
between the Real State and the Scheduled State of the Project
Kolář D. (Brno): Huge Component Modelling for System Design
Kolenčík P. (Brno): Resolving Conflicts in Classes Defined ba the Multiple Inheritance
Korčák Z. - Zendulka J. - Zezula P. (Brno): Signature Extraction Methods for Text
Kubátová H. (Praha): Petri Nets in Hardware Design
Kučera M. (Praha): Problematika vizualizace dat
Kunovský J. - Pospíšil P. - Sezemský P. (Brno): Optimization
Computations in Transputer systems
Kwiatkowska W. - Kwiatkowski J. - Kawa K. (Wroclav): Evaluation of the
Vascular Wall by the Computer Measurement System
Lauber J. (Praha): Graphic Design of Simulation Models and Animation in EZSIM
Lesniewska E.(Lodz): A Comparison of Results Obtained from 2D and
3D Comouting of Magnetic Field Distributions
Marček D. (Žilina): Market Sensitivity Statistics of Stock
Attributes - Computational Formulas and Computer Processing
Marček D. (Žilina): Stock Price Prediction - Methods, Results and Computer Processing
Marušinec J. (Brno): Visualization for Simulation in Virtual Reality
Melkes F. (Brno): Numerical Experiments with the Taylor Series Method
Meňhart P. (Bratislava): TUTORIAL
High Level Architecture: A new standart architecture for simulations
(The High Level Architecture (HLA) for simulation is an initiative to
provide a distributed arthitecture to support interoperability and
reuse of simulations and their components)
High Level Architecrure: nový standard pre architektúru simulačných systémov
(High Level Architecture (HLA) je označenie, ktoréj cielom je vytvorenie standardu
distribuovanej architektúry pre zabezpečenie vzájomnej prepojitelnosti
a znovupoužitelnosti simulačných systémov)
Meňhart - Poleška (Bratislava): Simulation Model of Distribution
Network for High-Speed Services
Mileczarek B. - Lubisz M. (Wroclaw): Data Collection Quality-Trouble
Spot of Hospital Patient Management System
Molnárová M. - Spalek J. (Žilina): Fuzzy Logic-Based Comparison of Redundant Information
Muzikářová L. (Žilina): Track circuit simulation
Nagy P. (Žilina): The Modelling of Railway Interlocking Plants
Nalepa J. (Kraków): Simulation of Measurement Systems Using SIMULINK
Nern H.-J, - Bruns M. - Dziech A. - Nour Eldin H.A. (Wyppertal):
Database Access Via an Internet Browser using Mobile Agents
Obluk K. (Brno): Transakce v OO modelu (předběžný názv)
Olšar L. (Žilina): Simulačný model systému obnovy ničených
cestých mostov v období brannej pohotovosti štátu
Osis J. - Ivasiuta O. (Riga): Advanced Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques
Osis J. - Rusakov P. (Riga): Advanced Object-Oriented Programminig Languages:
Ada´95, Java. C++ as the Tools for Information Systems Modeling
Pasek K. (Gliwice) - Kowalczyk Z. (Ruda..ska): Research on Heat Control System
Using Training Installation and Programmable Controller
Pavlas Z. (Brno): 2C-Index: A Simple Access Method for Interval-Valued Keys
Petrovský V. - Zapletal T. - Hutyra M. (Ostrava): Simulace versus virtuální instrumentace
Rábová Z. - Bumbálek J. (Brno): Approximations of Stochastic Processes
Ratynska J. (Radom): A Conception of Inference Module and Natural
Language Phrase Generation
Růžičková I. - Mikulášek K. - Kunovský J. (Brno): Finite Element Method and Taylor Series
Ryšánek M. (Brno): Congestion in High-Loaded Networks of Parallel Machines
Sehnal J. (Praha): Simulace typu hardware-in-the-loop v prostředí
programu Matlab a Simulink
Serba I. (Brno): Visual Channel VR Modelling - Weakly Defined Systems
(Modelování vizuálního kanálu VR - špatně definovaná úloha)
Schwarz J. (Brno): Fuzzy Traffic Light Controller
Snášel V. - Koutný T. (Olomouc): Fuzzy přístup při konstrukci signatur pro vyhledávání v textu
Sobota B. - Valigursky M. (Kosice): Real Time Visualising Kernel for Virtual Reality Applications
Sobota B. (Kosice): Classification of Virtual Reality Systems According to Dynamic Environment and Observer
Sobota B. - Hgwala B. (Kosice): Realtime SD Texture Mapping in Virtual Frame of Virtual Reality System
Stluka P. - Poživil J. (Praha):
Optimalizace plánu víceproduktové vsádkové výroby pomocí tabu search heuristiky
Stluka P. - Poživil J. (Praha): Použití genetického algoritmu k optimalizaci plánu ví
ceproduktové vsádkové výroby
Stoffová V. (Nitra): Možnosti vizualizácie didaktických modelov a animacia simulovaných procesov a javov
Šolc F. (Brno): Friction Modelling and Compensation
Šotek K. (Pardubice): Simulační model při tvorbě časových rozvrhů v dopravě (II)
Šťastný P. (Brno): Formální přístupy ke grafickému popisu simulačních modelů
Švorc P. (Žilina): Algoritmy transformácie súprav v modelovaní premiestňovacích procesov
Tobiáš P. - Kunovský J. (Brno): Exact and fat electrical and Electronic Circuits Simulations
Vasileva S. (Sofia): Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems by MATLAB
Vašátko J. (Brno): Simulation and Formal Verification using Spin
Vdovják R. (Žilina): The Agent Oriented Simulation Kernel
Vlček K. (Ostrava): FPGA Synthetis with VHDL Support
Vondrák I. (Ostrava): Cellular Process
Wiak S. - Komeza K. - Dems M. (Lodz): Electronic Field and Parameters
Modelling in Induction Motors by means of FEM
Wiak S. - Welfle H. - Komeza K. - Dems M. (Lodz): Electromagnetic Field Modelling of
Electromagnetic Devices by Use of OPERA 3-D Code
Zapletal T. - Petrovský V. - Hutyra M. (Ostrava): Návrh simulace číslicového filtru v Prostředí LabVIEW
Zarzycki Z. (Szczecin): Simulation of Transient Flows in Turbulent Liquid Lines
Zaťko M. (Žilina): VirtuOS - nástroj pre simuláciu procesov v koľajovej doprave
Zbořil F. (Brno): Sparse distributed Memory and Restricted Coulomb Energy Classifier
Zemánek P. (Praha): Modeling of Performance Aspects of Multitasking Operating System (UNIX)
Zendulka J. (Brno): Mapping a Relational to an Object-Oriented Schema
Zítek P. - Bíla J. - Kuchař P. (Praha): Model variability parametrů kardiovaskulárního
systému jako důsledku jeho řízení
Žilka Z. - Braun J. - Berka Z. (Praha): Behavioral Modeling of IC Devices
Input/Output (I/O) Analog Characteristics