Program of Conference MOSIS
April 18, 2004
19:00 - 21:00
Registration, cup of wine
April 19, 2004
8:00 - 9:45
10:30 - 12:00
Opening of Conferences MOSIS and ISIM, Invited Papers (konference Hall)
KUNOVSKÝ Jiøí – ØEZÁÈ David – MELKES František, Brno: Modern Taylor Series Method /MOSIS/
CAETANO A. – SILVA A. R. – TRIBOLET J.: Object-Oriented Business Process Modelling with Roles /ISIM/
DOUŠA Jiøí – VŠETEÈKA Jiøí, Praha: Parallel and Process Oriented Simulation System /MOSIS/
12:00 - 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 - 18:00
Simulation Application (Room 1)
STOFFOVÁ Veronika, Nitra: Modelling, simulation and animation in physics
PO®IVIL Jaroslav, Praha: Vyu¾ití lineárních modelù HYSYSu k bilanèním výpoètùm
WALKOWIAK Krzysztof, Wroc³aw: The Hop-Limit Approach for Optimization of Average Delay in Computer Networks
JANKÙ Ladislava, Praha: Modelling Natural Sound Textures
SLÍ®IK Peter – HLUCHÝ Ladislav, Bratislava: Evaluation of Suitability of Different Peer-to-Peer technologies for Simulation Application
RACEK Stanislav – VAIS Václav, Plzeñ: Modeling of highly available computer systems
HRUBÝ Martin – PERINGER Petr – RÁBOVÁ Zdena, Brno: Modelling of Tamper-Proof Devices
FLORIÁN Vladimír – SLAVÍÈEK Pavel – HANÁÈEK Petr, Brno: Analysihg Methods for Modelling Attacs on Security Devices
®UFAN Jaroslav – CENDELÍN Jan, Plzeò: Automated evaluation of manifestation of learning
KOLÁØ Du¹an, Brno: Simulation of LLk Parsers with Wide Context by Automaton with One-Symbol Reading Head
14:00 - 18:00
Modelling and Simulation Methods, Methodologies, and Techniques – Hardware, Software, and Tools - I (Room 2)
PUCHALA Edward – REWAK Aleksander, Wroc³aw: The Measure of Classes Separation in Feature Reduction Task Has Application in Pattern Classification
MARKOWSKI, Marcin – KASPRZAK Andrzej, Wroc³aw: An Approximate Algorithm for Servers Allocation, Topology, Capacity and Flow Assignment Problem in Wide Area Networks
POZNIAK-KOSZALKA I. – KOSZALKA L., Wroc³aw: Choice of Database System Configuration Supported by Simulation
HARTMAN David – HEROUT Pavel, Plzeò: Simulation speed-up techniques
KOSZALKA Leszek – BRZOSTOWSKI Krzysztof, Wroc³aw: Computer Experimentation System for Testing Identification Algorithms
ÈERNOHORSKÝ Jakub, Brno: Speeding-up Simulation Optimization of Discrete Parameters
KAVIÈKA Antonín, Pardubice – KLIMA Valent, ®ilina – ADAMKO Norbert, ®ilina: Simulation model of logistic node and its multipurpose utilisation
19:00 - 22:00
Evening Party in the hotel RELAX
April 20, 2004
8:30 - 12:00
Simulation of Technical Systems (Room 1)
ÈECH Vladimír – JEVICKÝ Jiøí, Brno: Model pro hodnocení pøesnosti mìøení dálky impulsním laserovým dálkomìrem
STRÁDAL Oktavián, Pardubice: Adaptace parametru simulaèního modelu asynchronního stroje (Parameter Adaptation in Simulation Model of the Asynchronous machine)
¯OLNIEREK Andrzej, Wroc³aw: The Pattern Recognition Algorithm for Second-Order Markov Chains With Learning - Simulation Investigations
GOLA Mariusz – KASPRZAK Andrzej, Wroc³aw: Designing Wide Area Network with Trade-Off between Link Cost and Performance
KVASNICA Igor – KVASNICA, Peter, Trenèín: Èasová synchronizácia programových modulov konfigurovaných v poèítaèovom systéme simulátora
KAŠPÁREK Tomáš, Brno: New Model for OS Kernel Design
OHLÍDAL Miloš – SCHWARZ Josef, Brno: Parallel Simulated Annealing Applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem
SUMEC Stanislav, Brno: Simulation of Parallel Ray Tracing
CRHA Ludìk – FUÈÍK Otto – DRÁBEK Vladimír, Brno: Image Filter Implementation in FPGA Used for The License Plate Detection
TUPEC Pavel – KOTÁSEK Zdenìk, Brno: New Approach to The FPGA Testing Based on the Boundary Scan
8:30 - 12:00
Modelling and Simulation Methods, Methodologies, and Techniques – Hardware, Software, and Tools – I I (Room 2)
KOÈÍ Radek, Brno: Open Implementations of the Simulation Frameworks
MARTINEK David, Brno: General Hierarchical Network
KUNOVSKÝ Jiøí – ZACIOS Dalibor – TOMICA Petr, Brno: Modern Taylor Series and Coefficients of Fourier Transform Series
JOKL Roman – ÈÍRTEK Pavel, Plzeò: Speedup of Simulation Programs Using Parallel Processing
JAROŠ Jiøí – SCHWARZ Josef, Brno: Development Tools for Rapid Prototyping of Evolutionary Algorithms
ÏUDÁK Juraj, Trenèín: Routing in Non-Conflict Interconnections Networks
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 16:30
Visit of mountain village Pustevny and RadhošT Hill
16:30 - 18:30
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (Room 1)
BURDUK Robert, Wroc³aw: Multistage Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy or Non-Fuzzy Features - Results of Simulation
Learning Methods for the Traffic and
Admission Control,
ŠNOREK Miroslav, Praha: How to Successfully Predict Time Series by Artificial Neural Nets
DRAHANSKÝ Martin – ORSÁG Filip – ZBOØIL František: Biometrie in Security Applications
ZBOØIL František jun., Brno: Argumentation Base Selection
16:30 - 18:30
Other Aplication (Room 2)
RATYÑSKA Jadwiga, Radom: Natural Language Syntax and HPSG Theory
PEŠIÈKA Ladislav, Plzeò: Interaction Model of Grid Services
CZERWIÑSKA Alina, Warszawa: Applying the Integral Maps in QRST Interval in Simulation Unvestigations of Ventricular Late Potentials
Martin, Plzeò: Performance Evaluation of Personal Agent Migration
April 21, 2004
8:30 - 11:00
Simulation in Economy, Logistics, Traffics, and Transport Systems (room 1)
FLOCHOVÁ Jana – KOLLÁRIK Peter, Bratislava: Model-Based Simulation and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
MUSIL Miroslav – PO®IVIL Jaroslav, Praha: Simulation and Control of Warehouse stock at slightly oscillating demand
GATIAL Emil – MALIŠKA Martin – HABALA Ondrej – ŠIMO Branislav – HLUCHÝ Ladislav, Bratislava: FoorGrid Portal with Built-In Workflow Management
PIOTROWICZ Wojciech, Gdañsk: Logistics Process Modelling
11:00 - 11:20
Final plenary session