MOSIS 2007 - Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems


Papers (in english) should not exceed 8 pages. All papers will be reviewed according to: technical quality, originality, clarity, appropriateness to the conference focus and adequacy of references to related work.

Authors should submit the papers either by post to the address:

Jan ©tefan
nám. Msgre ©rámka 6
702 00  Ostrava
Czech Republic
or electronically in PDF and MS-Word (DOC) format by e-mail to the address:

Each paper should contain the following information:

  • Title of the paper
  • Name, affiliation, mailing address of the author(s), email
  • Abstract of 100 - 200 words
  • Introduction, text, conclusions, references

Styles for Papers

All camera ready papers have to be prepared according to the following typing patterns for LaTeX and Micrososft Word.

Last modified 2007-04-10 by peringer AT